Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Learn to Play a Guitar

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Astonishing, Step-By-Step Secrets Of How To Play Guitar Like The Eagles, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nirvana, Bob Marley, Eddie Van Halen, Bruce Springsteen, ... and so on?"

If You Answered "ME", Then CLICK HERE

You are about to discover amazing methods to learning how to play virtually any guitar song you hear. Whether you want to start a band, perform at clubs, write your own original songs, or just become a great guitarist. No matter what level you are at now (beginner, intermediate or advanced), then you have come to the right place. This information will work for you. We think you'll even impress yourself!

Get Your Jamorama The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit- CLICK HERE

Start playing SENSATIONAL guitar right now

If you have ever truly wanted to take your guitar playing to the next level, especially from home, there really is no better time (or opportunity) than right now to start becoming the impressive guitarist you've always dreamed you'd be.

You'll be surprised how little work and effort is actually involved for you to start playing awesome guitar music and have a lot of fun in the process!

The Jamorama Multimedia Course will comprehensively teach you everything you need to know to play guitar, from absolute beginner level, right through to being a professional guitarist.

Get Your Jamorama The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit- CLICK HERE

Learn How To Play Acoustic Guitar

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Astonishing, Step-By-Step Secrets Of How To Play Acoustic Guitar Like The Eagles, Jack Johnson, Joni Mitchell, Ben Harper, James Taylor, Jewell ... and so on?"

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Get Jamorama Acoustic Guitar Now and Receive FIVE FREE Bonuses!

CLICK HERE To Find out More

It doesn't matter what level you are at now (beginner, intermediate, advanced or returning), Jamorama Acoustic Guitar is packed full of quality step-by-step lessons, video files, games and other resources to get YOU results fast!

The Jamorama Multimedia Acoustic Guitar Course will comprehensively teach you everything you need to know to play guitar, from absolute beginner level, right through to being a professional guitarist.

Get Your Jamorama The Ultimate Acoustic Guitar Learning Kit- CLICK HERE

Learn How To Play Lead Guitar

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Astonishing, Step-By-Step Secrets Of How To Play Lead Guitar Like Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Chet Atkins, Stevie ray Vaughn, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, ... and so many others?"

If You Answered "ME", Then CLICK HERE

The Jamorama Lead Guitar Multimedia Course will comprehensively teach you everything you need to know to play lead guitar, from lead guitar novice right through to being a professional guitarist.

Why do YOU want to learn how to play lead guitar?

Do you want to play for personal pleasure? Would you like to be sexier? Perhaps you want to be a star! Face it, the lead guitarist in a band is always the center of attention!

Whatever your reasons are, I've designed my cutting-edge guitar learning method with YOU in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results FAST...

Get Your Jamorama The Ultimate Lead Guitar Learning Kit- CLICK HERE

Learn To Play a Guitar on Your Own with These Simple Tips

So you want to learn to play a guitar? Whether you want to be a rock god like Dave Navarro or just want to be a decent player to whip up a song during family reunions, learning to play the guitars is an admirable skill to have. But remember that no guitar player, great or not, was born knowing how to play. They too, started somewhere. And so can you.

Where to find your teacher

You can pay someone to teach you personally or you can learn to play a guitar on your own. Simply buy an instructional book or video and learn to play a guitar from them. You can even take lessons from online sites, where there are hundreds of free or paid instructions. Whichever way you choose, all you'll need is a lot of interest and patience. Ready? Here's how to begin to play: Get your own guitar.

You can always borrow, but if you're serious about playing, might as well have your very own strings to practice on instead of sneaking in your brother's room and using his precious instrument. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive guitar – as long as it's durable and playable; you can learn to play a guitar with it.

Now whether you should use an acoustic or an electric is really a matter of personal choice and budget. Most purists would probably recommend that you learn to play a guitar with an acoustic first and then progress to an electric guitar. Either way, make sure it's a six-string guitar that's well-tuned.

Know your guitar.

To learn to play a guitar you should know your guitar. The guitar has several different parts. They are:

the head – which includes the tuning keys

fingerboard – includes the frets, fret bars and position marks

the body – includes the sound hole (with an acoustic), pick guard and bridge

So where are the strings? They start from the head tied tightly to the head and adjusted using the tuning keys. They run parallel to each other over the fingerboard and body where they are held in place by the bridge.

To learn how to play a guitar, you should also learn how all the parts work by themselves and together to create the guitar sounds. See how pressing on the strings and adjusting the string tension with the tuning keys change the sounds and effects. Fifteen to 30 minutes spent getting acquainted with your guitar will prove very useful later on when you learn how to play a guitar.

Get a chord book.

Buy a good chord book from your local music shop or bookstore. It will contain all the guitar chords you'll need to learn to play a guitar. You can even rip off a page from one of those music magazines that include a complete chord chart in their issues and use that instead. It will look strange to you at first, but as you learn to play a guitar, every little dot and letter you find there will slowly make sense.

Learn the numbers.

To learn to play a guitar you should also learn the numbers. The thumb is labeled 'T', forefinger is #1, middle finger is #2, ring finger is #3 and little finger is #4. The chord book uses these figures to indicate finger positioning on the guitar. A played string is called an open string and is usually indicated by 'O' while an unplayed string is called a dead string and is usually marked 'X'.

The six strings are numbered from 1 to 6 but they also have names – the thickest and lowest in pitch is 'E'. The next ones are A, D, G, B and the thinnest one with the highest pitch is the higher E, usually indicated as a small letter 'e'. Once you know these, you can start learning from your book, video, online lesson or on your own.


This isn’t the tricky part – it's actually the fun part. To learn to play a guitar means practicing everyday or at least 5 days each week for at least 30 minutes. You'll grow calluses on your fingers, especially on the fret hand, but this is necessary to help you play effortlessly. Learn about changing hand positions, strumming and finger picking.

Build the muscles of your hands for flexibility and strength and learn to position your body properly for proper coordination. To learn to play a guitar is about teaching your hand and body muscles how to work with memory. Have fun and play beautiful music.

Do you want to discover the astonishing, step-by-step secrets of how to play guitar like The Eagles, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nirvana, Bob Marley, Eddie Van Halen, and Bruce Springsteen? Start playing SENSATIONAL guitar right now. You'll be surprised how little work and effort is actually involved for you to start playing awesome guitar music and have a lot of fun in the process. Learn to play a guitar visit Jamorama- Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit

Rocket Piano- The Ultimate Piano Learning Kit

"WHO ELSE Wants To Discover The Astonishing, Step-By-Step Secrets Of How To Play The Piano With The Rhythm, Timing And Magic Of A Professional?"

If You Answered "ME", Then CLICK HERE

There are probably hundreds of songs that you want to learn to play on piano, and you're probably using ineffective methods of learning how to play them without even knowing it!

You're about to discover amazing methods to learning how to play virtually any piano song you hear, with the timing, rhythm and magic of a professional.

You're going to save time, money, and aggravation. You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and disastrous situations that you've been vulnerable to.

Get Your Rocket Piano -The Ultimate Piano Learning Kit- CLICK HERE

Being Piano Man: Tips for Teaching Yourself to Play Piano Easily

The piano is an exquisite musical instrument that may be a bit intimidating to learn but is worth every sweat, time and money you'll spend. If you want to teach yourself to play piano easily and fast, start now. The earlier you begin, the better you'll be and the earlier you'll be able to play a favorite piece. Here's how you can start:

Decide on your piano playing.

If you want to teach yourself to play piano easily, you need to decide what kind of piano player you want to be. If you want to be a concert pianist playing Mozart or Tchaikovsky, you will have to learn how to read notes and somewhere down the line, probably take formal lessons, if only for the technique. But if you only want to learn the piano so you can accompany a singer or compose your own song, you can start with chords, which is arguably the easier way to start playing.

There are also different styles of piano playing you might want to concentrate on – classical, jazz, blues, new age, etc. You can learn one or several of these styles in the future once you're familiar with the instrument itself.

Have access to a piano.

To teach yourself to play piano easily you need access to a piano. A piano is a bit expensive, but you don’t have to buy one to be able to teach yourself to play piano easily. There are many sources you can tap for free – local clubs, schools, churches, even friends and neighbors who might be willing to let you use their piano.

If you're a little shy and want to practice at home, get a portable electronic keyboard to learn to play piano easily. There are some very inexpensive ones that work as well as a Korg or a Roland. These keyboards even allow you to plug a headphone so no one else hears your playing. Just buy one with full-sized keys because the really cheap ones can have smaller-sized keys. If your fingers get used to smaller keys, you might have some trouble adjusting if you begin playing a full-sized piano in the future.

Get your lesson.

A piano lesson is never far away. There are numerous books, CDs and online lessons you can tap to help you to teach yourself to play piano easily. There are some videos and audio instructional sources you can use.

You can get free or paid lessons easily and can even access some of the most popular music to learn. Because we all learn differently, it's important that you find the lesson that you feel most comfortable with to teach yourself to play piano easily.

Have a back up.

There are times when you might get stumped on a lesson simply because you don’t get it or are not using the right technique. If this happens, find a different resource you can use for reference to teach yourself to play piano easily such as a different website, book or video or just simply ask someone if you're playing the piano correctly.


Nobody learned to play the piano practicing only when they felt like it. Even the virtuosos played the piano as often as they can. Playing this instrument requires teaching your hand and mind to remember motions and learn to associate notes with the black and white keys on the piano. Practice for at least half an hour everyday or about 4 to 5 days a week is one way to teach yourself to play piano easily.

Learning to play the piano doesn’t mean you have to be born with talent nor do you have to be as young as your niece or grandchild. Anyone who has normal mental and physical abilities can teach himself to learn to play piano easily and succeed. Piano playing is as much a learned skill as it is a talent. If you can teach yourself the skill, you're halfway there.

Do you want to discover the astonishing, step-by-step secrets of how to play the piano with the rhythm, timing and magic of a professional? You're going to save time, money, and aggravation. You'll learn to avoid the mistakes and disastrous situations that you've been vulnerable to. Teach yourself to play piano easily visit Rocket Piano -The Ultimate Piano Learning Kit